Welcome to the Realm of Shadowlight. The Realm has been in exsistence in one form or the other since like a zillion years ago, back when I had to use a 28.8 modem on AOL. It has changed, expanded, and hardly ever been visited unless I goaded people to do so. . . But it was time to revamp it again!

This is the "Map page, with links and brief descriptions of all my myriad webpages. Have fun!

Web Journal How terrible! I've given in to the online journal fad! Well, now you can learn more about the stupid stuff I do every day, if that sort of thing interests you.
Weirdness Strange stories of unusal oddness! Come here for a laugh! Even if you don't understand the stories, that doesnt mean you won't enjoy them! Please note: These stories contain references to Ibex and Rogaine
Inu Yasha Gallery I love Anime, and Inu Yasha is my favorite manga. The gallery has scans of the first artbook, the "Evolution of Kagome's Hair", some random information. It will never be upsated again, though. I'm not interested enough to work on it anymore, but it's like number three in search engines. Neat!.
Writing My latest passion, writing a book, or pretending to, anyway. I may one day update this, and put up bits of my story, the plot of which keeps changing, but I think I sort of like what is happening now. . . Anyway, this will be where my writing about my favorite characters Shale and Tobin goes! Amongst other things, I suppose, I will probably practice writing shor stories or something.

I used to have an art gallery thing, but I never updated it EVER, so this is in its place.
Beadwork I like to make things out of beads. I've been making beaded jewelry for almost 2.5 years, I would guestimate, and I have gained some proficiency. When I put the gallery together, please have a look. It's shiny! Only the necklace gallery is up so far (11-23-02)
Photogalleries Pictures of me, my friends, a building being destroyed, strange people in Medieval Clothes, Israel, wanted fugitives, and more. What more could you possible want!
Heartsong My messed up poetry. I haven't written any new poetry since, oh, High School, but it's just as "good" as it was back then! Full of all sorts of typos, too lazy to fix 'em. . .

Last Updated 3-29-03 Contents by Lisa Pike Galliana@softhome.net